Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chapter 15: Movie Music

This chapter may be shorter than some of the others, but that's okay. It makes for easier reading.

I am of the correct opinion that music can make or break a movie. If you think about all the movies you've seen, you will agree that I am right.

Some time ago, my wife and I watched a horrible movie. This movie was called Chronicle. It had no plot, very little special effects, no credits, and absolutely no music whatsoever. Basically, it looked as if a couple of kids had picked up a camera and started filming with no idea what they were doing. Now, maybe if they had had some music it might have been better (although I rather doubt it). The point is they had no music and so "broke" the movie and ruined it for us.

On the other hand, you have the movies that everybody loves: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, and so forth. Why does everybody love these movies? Because the music made them exciting. Every time something exciting, creepy, eerie, or sentimental happens in a movie, the music is there to back it up and intensify the emotion.

So to summarize, I repeat what I proclaimed at the beginning of this chapter. Music can make or break a movie.

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